Blockchain - The-next-tech

News/Blockchain Technology

What is Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Techn...
By: Alan Jackson, Wed August 5, 2020

Blockchain Blockchain, the most talked business right now and creating more and more opportunities across industries. In the context of..

News/Blockchain Technology

How Blockchain Can Revolutionize Micropayments?
By: Deepa Ramachandra, Wed August 5, 2020

Micropayments are transactions involving small amounts of money - ranging from less than a cent to around five to 20 US dollars, usually done electronically. Micropayments are an integral part of today's subscription services and in-app payments. Blockchain and crypto and digital currencies have impacted micropayments, leading to its increased acceptance...

News/Blockchain Technology

Uses of Blockchain technology in IoT Solutions
By: Alan Jackson, Wed July 29, 2020

As you heard many times before, blockchain technology is going to change the whole IoT industry. What you have not..

News/Blockchain Technology

Top 10 Trends of Blockchain in 2020
By: Alan Jackson, Mon July 20, 2020

Unmistakably blockchain will upset tasks and procedures in numerous enterprises and governments organizations whenever received, yet its selection requires time..

News/Blockchain Technology

3 Ways Blockchain is Changing Car Retailing
By: Natalia Marshall, Sat July 18, 2020

From competitive pressures on cost and performance to environmental pitfalls, there is one common challenge faced by the industry at large today — the absence of transparent mechanisms for verifying operational data generated by auto vehicles. In contrast to siloed, password-based centralized systems, tamper-proof identities on the blockchain offer a path to transparency with secure authentication and authorization for every car that hits the road...

News/Blockchain Technology

Top Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Your Busi...
By: Alan Jackson, Wed July 15, 2020

Change is an integral part of development. It is true for both personal and technological development. With the ever-increasing digital..

News/Blockchain Technology

Know the Development process of Cryptocurrency Tra...
By: Codrin Arsene, Mon June 29, 2020

Coronavirus has a drastic impact on multiple sectors like manufacturing, education, IT industries, healthcare, etc. People across the world are..

News/Blockchain Technology

How things will Change if Apple Buys DuckDuckGo
By: Kunal Mishra, Sat June 20, 2020

An Analyst came up with a suggestion for Apple: buy DuckDuckGo, a privacy-focused search engine. And looks like he hasn't considered all factors. Apple most likely won't buy DuckDuckGo but it might still be interested in creating a search engine...

News/Blockchain Technology

What’s future of Cryptocurrency?
By: Lucy Miranda, Fri April 10, 2020

When people all around the world were introduced to the concept of paying money through their plastic credit and debit..

News/Blockchain Technology

What are Data Unions? How do they work? Which ones...
By: Sina Sanders, Thu April 2, 2020

As a developer or business owner who’s integrating a Data Union into their app, you become the Data Union’s de facto administrator. That means you can take a cut of the money that your users make selling their data. Or you can offer your users free or premium access if they share their revenue with you...

News/Blockchain Technology

How Blockchain can Save our Planet From Mass Extin...
By: Premjith B P K, Sun March 29, 2020

What is Blockchain Blockchain, We can say a mixture of Block and chain. Blockchain is a rising list of records...

News/Blockchain Technology

Top Blockchain Emerging Trends to follow in 2020
By: Tim Josh, Wed March 11, 2020

It is notified that blockchain will be going to transform each operation and process across many government sectors and industries..

News/Blockchain Technology

A Compilation of everything You need to know about...
By: Arya florence, Wed February 19, 2020

To begin with, What is a cryptocurrency exchange? Cryptocurrencies are the trend that is currently in favor of the business..

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