7 Tips For Video Marketing Content Creation To Engage Your Audience

7 Tips For Video Marketing Content Creation To Engage Your Audience

by Alex Noah — 3 years ago in Business Ideas 3 min. read

Video is one of your most popular content types. The visual medium is easy to absorb and allows people to see your product or service in action. YouTube and Vimeo are growing in popularity. Social media networks provide live streaming for business owners to better connect with their target audience.

It’s not enough to just know that you should add video content. It can be difficult to choose from the many types of videos and unique ideas available.

What Type of Content Is Most Popular on YouTube?

It is smart to pay attention to YouTube when you are trying to figure out how to market a video. What content is most popular on YouTube? The top 4 content categories are comedy, music, and entertainment.

You can narrow down your options by understanding the content people are looking for. These are some tips and ideas for video content to help you make the most of your efforts.

7 Tips For Video Marketing Content Creation

1. Create Unique Takes

Repetitiveness is the only problem with all the new content that appears every second of every working day. Be aware of the videos that your competition has posted. Do they miss any important details? Is there a topic they aren’t covering or that could be covered?

You should look for a different approach or tone than anyone else. Your traffic and results will suffer when you are competing against hundreds of how-to videos.

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2. Instruction can be Structured

You’ve probably heard people say that someone is a “natural born teacher”.

Keep to one point at a given time. Instructional videos should be less than 20 minutes in length or around three to six mins. You can trim any unnecessary content from the how-to videos if they are too long. You can reshoot until there is no more chit-chat and then get to the point.

3. Embrace Humor

Comedy is a top category for videos. Look at ways to make your audience laugh. You can make a huge impact on your business by making comedy a part of it.

You probably won’t want to make funny videos if your funeral home is run. People will be grieving. If you sell vacations or clothing, however, it is a good idea to use humor to grab people’s attention.

4. Offer Incentives

Incorporate special offers or incentives into your videos. Are you looking to get people to stay on the video until the end? In the first few seconds, tell them that you have a special offer waiting for them at the bottom of the video. The incentive should be placed as close as possible to the end so that the viewer can see the entire video.

Coupons, free trials, and any other incentive that the user considers valuable could be used. Consider what is most likely to capture leads, so that you can market to your audience via a newsletter and other communications in the future.

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5. Be Authentic

86% of consumers are concerned about authenticity. They will feel more connected to brands that are transparent. While you can entertain, inform, or just connect emotionally, it is important to do this with honesty. Do not try to make your product appear like it is. Do not make promises that you cannot keep.

If you don’t know your brand’s identity, authenticity is difficult. Write down your mission statement. Consider what you are trying to achieve. How can you address the problems of your customers?

6. See Behind the Scenes

People love to see the story behind your brand. Do not be afraid to share your brand’s story with customers.

You don’t have to divulge trade secrets. However, you can share your thoughts and tap into the power that the founders’ personal triumphs and struggles brought about by the company.

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7. Use User-Generated Content

People enjoy being entertained. However, they also want to hear what other people think about your brand. Allow your customers to create testimonials and then upload them. It might be a contest idea. Have your customers create a hashtag, and let others vote on the most user-generated video content.

Instagram allows you to see the ways brands use short video clips to reach customers. Look at what your competitors are doing and come up with an original campaign. You could ask customers to post short videos of themselves using your product in an original way. For video reviews, ask for them and offer a discount or gift for anyone who posts.

You can work with user-generated material in many ways. Encourage your clients to include video clips to personalize their marketing. Ask your Audience about Video Content Preferences.

Ask Your Target Audience What Top Video Content Ideas They Want to See

You can send out a survey to get your users to tell you what they like most about your content and which topics they would like to see covered in the future. Your video content can be made more interesting with a little bit of data and some effort.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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