Top 5 Social Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs To Master

Top 5 Social Skills Every Entrepreneur needs to Master

by Alex Noah — 5 years ago in Business Ideas 4 min. read

When I was young, if I had to perform at school, I would have barely slept before going to sleep at night. Instead, I wake up at midnight, it may happen incorrectly. Before I called my name, I was sweating.

Once in front of the class, I stumbled through my presentation, and I would not get out of the stress of it all until I returned to my desk. Embarrassing side note – My crush named me “Tomato Mode” because of my frequent blushing.

Even if I was informed more than the next presenter, my communication was not sure. These fault lines of my communication were eventually fixed, but what still keeps me up at night is that my story is not unique.

As someone who has traveled the world for years interviewing all kinds of people, I have met entrepreneurs, executives, academics, public celebrities … you name it. And a large percentage of them lacked strong social skills.

Imagine how successful these people would be if they could communicate better. How are you? Imagine how much more successful you can be with better communication skills.

That’s why I started Talk the Talk. Most of us are sometimes taught social skills such as proper listening, accurate self-expression, how to deal with personal or professional rejection, or even how to calm those anxious thoughts when we are a group Let’s talk about it.

Now, those skills are more important than ever. Let’s take a look at some actionable takeaways from our latest social skills checklist.

5 Social Skills Every Entrepreneur needs to Master

1. Reframe your anxiety as excitement

Dr. Amy Cuddy, an executive education educator at Harvard University, wrote about this phenomenon in her New York Times bestselling book Presence.

She states”by just reframing the significance of the emotion we are suffering — by nudging ourselves out of anxiety to enthusiasm — we change our emotional orientation, harnessing the cognitive and physiological tools we will need to be successful under stress. We efficiently alter our point fright into stage presence”

Therefore, the next time you are feeling anxious prior to sharing your message, give a nudge and reframe your nervousness as delight.

2. Listen, don’t pseudo-listen

We believe we understand exactly what it means to hear. After we’re hearing harsh news we ask clarifying questions. We paraphrase. We change our bodies and eyes towards whoever is talking and from distractions. We provide our full, undivided care

But we believe we are listening when we are actually:

  • Sparring, debating, or disagreeing
  • Comparing or passing judgment
  • Rushing to find a character flaw
  • Thinking of your next response
  • Filtering or listening only for what you want to hear

The issue with all of those listening choices is that there is no actual advantage to be had — such as your speaker for you personally, the intended listener. 1 side is not discovered, and you, the listener, are not informed or contested. This is the way the point for miscommunication is put. Be mindful of if you are pseudo-listening, which means that you are able to fix it and refocus.
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3. Make your inner thoughts clear

Nobel prize winner George Bernard Shaw once said that”the single largest problem with communication is the illusion it has taken place.” Appropriate communication abilities are vital for entrepreneurs and leaders, and much more so during times of doubt. It is what keeps everyone together, while dysfunctional direction leaves teams misaligned and fragmented.

Here’s how to make sure you’re properly communicating:

  • Be immediate, direct, and clear about your thoughts and feelings.
  • Don’t let negative (or positive) feedback simmer; speak up now.
  • Focus on being heard, not provoking, calling other parties to arms.
  • Don’t send mixed messages; align your words and tone of voice.
  • Distinguish between facts and your feelings about a situation.

4. Focus on what you say and how you say it

Were you aware communication is just 7% verbal? Meanwhile, 38 percent is nested on your vocal shipping, such as articulation, pitch, and tone. And, like the moon on the tides, outspoken delivery exerts a concealed power on which you state and also can turn your regular speech to an incantation.

  • Believe in yourself. You’re not an imposter. You deserve to be here.
  • Breathe and speak from your diaphragm, not your chest or throat.
  • Don’t speak with your mouth shut. Open up your body and mouth.
  • Ground yourself with an erect posture and plant yourself firmly.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your hands and gestures to add emphasis.
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5. Speak slower and embrace the silence

Yet most folks dread silence. Fear not. Rather, adopt it and leverage it to drive the point home.

Much like the very first tip on reframing stress as enthusiasm, step to silence with confidence.

Bear in Mind the following:

  • Utilize the silence for a time to write yourself, collect your ideas, and keep speaking.
  • Take it like an opportunity to listen, ask clarifying questions, and raise your understanding.

To summarize, it is okay to become anxious or nervous prior to sharing information. If you did not care, you would not think like that. But reframe that stress as enthusiasm, and into a chance to be powerful.

Challenge yourself by listening carefully, and that means it is possible to enlarge your comprehension of the facts and keep in mind, folks who never hear learn. And, if it is time to talk, speak your mind with clarity.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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