Advantage And Disadvantage Of Edge Computing

Advantage and Disadvantage of Edge Computing

by Alex Noah — 3 years ago in Development 5 min. read

Edge computing is a method in which computing takes place on local servers and devices at the edge of the network, rather than on distant cloud data centers. This solution is rapidly becoming a leader for powering the huge volume and complexity of local network technologies, especially Internet of Things devices.

Edge computing is gaining popularity and being easy to access, but does it offer a reliable solution for accurate and efficient data processing? Below are some pros and cons of edge computing. Also, consider how it affects the network data fabric in a cloud-based world.

The Pros Of Edge Computing

Improved Response Times And Latency Across All Devices

Edge computing has the advantage of processing data at a local level. This means that it takes less time and is more responsive to the user. IoT devices such as smart home hubs can use edge computing to respond to user queries faster, since the data doesn’t need to travel far from their cloud data centers.

Let’s take for example a situation where there is a decrease in latency. This improves the overall experience. Let’s take robotic surgery as an example.

Some actions in surgery require precision as well as speed and efficiency. The robot performing the surgery might experience delays if the surgery takes place at a Boston hospital but the primary data center for the hospital is in San Francisco.

These critical surgical actions can be performed faster than if the data processing is done on an edge server nearby.

Edge computing is a solution to faster response times for IoT devices and AI programs. It allows more computation, network access and storage capabilities close to the data.
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Decreased Data Real Estate Creates Less Risk In Corporate Security

Many enterprise networks boast strong cloud and on-premise data centres with high storage and processing capacities.

Logically, however, the more data stored in these data centers, then the greater the need for security infrastructure to prevent cybersecurity breaches.

Large amounts of centralized data can lead to increased risk and more time spent searching for less useful data in the cloud. This could also result in a greater investment in enterprise cybersecurity architecture.

Edge computing reduces security pressure on data centers by processing data locally and storing it. The data centers only receive the most critical data.

Other data, such hours of security footage or other non-essential data, are kept at the local level. Edge computing means that less data is moving to the cloud. This makes it easier to manage and monitor for potential breaches.
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Lower Bandwidth and Transmission Costs

Edge computing offers the possibility of simplifying cloud security models and can lead to significant cost savings through reduced bandwidth. Edge computing requires less bandwidth at the data center level because much of the data is stored locally and processed on local servers.

Data centers can save bandwidth and prevent costly upgrades to cloud storage by processing less data locally and storing it in the cloud.

Economy Of Scale Through Edge Devices

There are many edge devices on the market, and there are more coming to market for personal and professional use.

These are just a few of the many ways that edge technology can help to scale both public and corporate computing.

  • Edge devices can process data either natively or via an edge network sensor in a local area. This is even when other central networks and nodes fail. Local operations can continue to function even when more serious data center issues are solved.
  • Edge devices can handle less complicated data requests at the local level and free up bandwidth to process larger data processing requirements in existing data centers.
  • Edge devices process data from virtually all corners of the globe. This allows for greater access to data, quicker results and overall satisfaction for users.
  • Corporations may not have to invest in these devices to achieve the scale they desire, as many local users and communities already invest in edge technology.
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The Cons Of Edge Computing

Geographic Disparities: Fewer Network Devices And Skilled Implementers

Edge computing offers more data processing and storage opportunities at a local level. However, there may be some geographical regions that are not as well equipped for edge implementation.

There will be fewer active edge devices in areas that have fewer technical or financial resources. These same areas will have fewer IT professionals that can manage and launch local edge networks’ devices.

It is possible to fall into a vicious circle if you have a history of low network capacity. IT professionals who have had to build or move to areas without a lot of infrastructures will be less inclined to do so.

In this way, people from historically low-income, rural, or unpopulated areas could be unable to access edge devices and process data more effectively. Edge computing is an example of structural inequality that could rise, especially in relation to access to life-changing AI devices and IoT devices.

More Difficulty Monitoring And Preventing Security Breaches

Edge computing offers security benefits in that it reduces the data being stored at data centers. However, there are security concerns at every point on the edge network. Some data is more vulnerable to hackers because not all edge devices have the same security and authentication capabilities.

It is generally harder to identify edge devices at the enterprise level. This makes it more difficult to monitor local devices that are connected to enterprise data and to determine whether they are complying with the security policy.

Devices with limited visibility and authentication capabilities can present a problem for organizations trying to implement zero-trust network security.
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Loss Of Data With Potential Energy

Many times, useless data is discarded after it has been processed by an edge device. It never makes it to the cloud data centre for storage.

What if an edge device makes a wrong assessment of the data set’s usefulness? What if the data is useful for something else?

Although it can be frustrating to search through all existing information in a cloud data center, its central storage provides the assurance that data will always be available when you need it. Edge computing can save space and money on storage but it is possible for critical data to be misinterpreted or lost by an edge device.

Storage Capacity and Cost

Network technology is a significant investment, whether you are looking to invest in large cloud clusters or in distributed edge devices that will serve your computing needs.

Although investing in an edge network that is more robust will save money on data center bandwidth, it comes with significant expenses for maintaining and launching edge devices.

For optimal performance and local storage, edge devices might require more hardware and software. If they are spread across several different local geopolitics, costs can quickly rise.
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Learn More about Edge Computing

While edge computing has its pros and cons, most IT professionals agree that it will not disappear, particularly with 5G access expected to grow rapidly in the near future. Edge computing is changing rapidly as more users use different types of devices at an increasing rate.

Do you want to learn more about the latest developments in edge technology? How will they affect a technological landscape that was once solely focused on cloud and on-premise computing? You can find the best edge computing resources to learn what experts have to say and how they see the future of edge computing.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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