Introduction To Software Quality Assurance And Testing Tools

Introduction to Software Quality Assurance and Testing Tools

by Alan Jackson — 4 years ago in Development 2 min. read

Currently, a lot is said about software quality, developers sometimes don’t know if they are on the right path. To clarify a little about this subject, in this article we will deal with some main points about this subject.

The history of software testing goes back a long time, but it was in 1957 that the concept of testing became the process of detecting errors rather than verifying that software works, and it was in 1979 that Myers produced the first complex work on software testing process. This job is actually performed by a QA engineer.

The model is divided into five levels from initial to optimized, the levels are sequential, in this way, a company to reach the last level must have gone through all the previous levels.
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Level two already defines the software quality management process, which requires testing processes.

Tests must prove that something doesn’t work, and they are essential to the success of the software quality process.

Unit testing can resolve 30% to 50% of program defects; system testing can remove 30% to 50% of the remaining defects, so systems can go into production with approximately 49% of the defects. Lastly, code reviews can reduce between 30% and 30% of these defects.

Testing from the beginning of development is something advised not only for the agile methodologies but as can be indicated for quality assurance since the tests are carried out from the beginning to the end of the development process.

The test process operates within a quality view at the time of check, but in development, it is possible to carry out tests in all processes, from doing (unit tests) to planning.

The performance of software tests can be done manually or automated, the latter indicates the use of testing tools. Testing tools allow the tester to automate part of the testing process, facilitating retesting for test validation.
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Testing, like development, generates a large amount of information and requires several repetitions, in addition to requiring coordination and communication between teams. Test tools can alleviate the burden of test production and execution, information generation, and communication.

As an example we have:

More about unit testing in PHP can be seen at Quality in Web development: PHP with unit testing.

And about unit testing in Java, it can be seen in Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD) with JUnit and Unit Testing.

Another essential test to guarantee non-functional requirements is the performance and stress test, which has the function of validating the application limit, including the simultaneous user limit, system data limit, etc.

Several tools enable performance tests, among them, we have JMeter, a free tool from the Apache foundation that allows the creation of a test set, in addition to being able to be integrated with IDE’s and other test tools.

Functional tests are also needed, which ensure that certain functionalities are following the project’s requirements. Functional tests can be exploratory, manual, and automated. There are several tools for automating functional tests, and one of the most used free tools for this purpose is Selenium.

Alan Jackson

Alan is content editor manager of The Next Tech. He loves to share his technology knowledge with write blog and article. Besides this, He is fond of reading books, writing short stories, EDM music and football lover.

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