Tapping Into Kids' Passion In The Classroom

Tapping into Kids’ passion in the Classroom

by Alejandro — 5 years ago in Future 4 min. read

Passion is the driving force that makes a child strive harder in accomplishing his studies. Because of his speedy motivation, he creates a pattern of ambition and a map guide towards his potential discoveries.

Today, tapping into kids’ passion is a teacher’s challenge in filling up the gap of the learning appetite and enthusiasm of a child.

Our 21st generation learners are eager to learn when they’re on a mission to solve a problem, quest to find a treasure, or unveil a mystery. In other words, they love to learn when they sustain their energy on winning at the end.

The same goes for coding for kids with Minecraft – students fortify their passion by boosting their imagination, fueling their creative freedom, and virtualizing their future. As a teacher, using Minecraft as your medium for teaching is your golden key to unlock a kid’s passion.

Hence, this article explains how tapping into kids’ passion for Minecraft in the classroom boosts a child’s morale and personality.

Reasons why a kids’ passion should not be overlooked:

(1) Passion is a motivation factor.

Remember the first time you learn to ride a bike, learn how to write, or recite a poem? Can you still remember the gut feeling when you mastered doing the same?

That gut feeling is what you called “passion.”

As a kid, our endless curiosity questions our earnest potential in becoming someone. Here comes the abstract concept of passion – a motivating factor that pushes you to facilitate your sense and hone your skills in a particular field.

A study reveals that 45 percent of recent college dropout was caused by boredom – a petty yet crucial reason to keep your students’ attention and drive engagement.

Hence, as a teacher, you need to tap your kids’ passion for motivating them to stay in the course. Once you feed their interests, your students would discover a meaningful career path.

(2) Passion converts lessons into real-life applications.

Kids focus their attention because they know that lessons can transform their lives in the future. Practically, this is how passion converts lectures into real-life applications.

As a general rule, you cannot force a child to learn something when they find no motivation in learning at the first stance. Here, passion boosts their confidence and develops weighing reasons for them to learn.

For instance, musicians didn’t learn music when they’re swimming, or even swimmers didn’t learn how to swim by listening to music. In other words, tapping into kids’ passion identifies and converts their interests into practical applications.
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(3) Passion discovers its hidden potentials.

Always remember that not all of your students have the same level of confidence. Some of them are shy, while some show a participative attitude. Not everyone volunteers for a recitation, but everyone wants to learn.

Hence, passion discovers their hidden potential – for everything concealed under their low-self esteem.

As a teacher, tapping into kids’ passion creates another level of another level of a learning experience as you evaluate and classify their potential.

Albert Einstein once said that “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by the ability to climb a tree, its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Why tapping a kid’s passion for Minecraft?

(1) Minecraft makes your kid’s passion for coding programs easier.

Basic coding is a skill that most software developers, tech enthusiasts, and world-class gaming experts have, including Mark “Notch” Petersson himself, the CEO, and game creator of Minecraft. That’s why if your child is passionate about the skill of coding programs, then it’s time for you to support such ambition!

Codakid reveals that 60 percent of the student population learns faster in performing activities than in a sedentary lecture.

Hence, as a teacher, it is best when you assign cool projects which involve the use of Minecraft in teaching coding programs. As your child inculcates deep interests in the coding program, they will ask you how to create a Minecraft server.

(2) Minecraft enhances your child’s problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

Since Minecraft is a coding program, it involves your kids’ laborless efforts in critical thinking and problem-solving. How?

Minecraft requires your child to understand the beauty of code sequencing, where high programming English words are paired with mathematical operations and symbols to get a desired command or control. In this way, your kid knows how to instruct through coding.

On the other hand, Minecraft challenges your child on how to survive on the Survival Mode. Aside from the creative and hardcore mode, it trains your child on how to gather resources and survive in virtual reality.

(3) Minecraft sustains your child’s passion and perspectives in life.

But Minecraft is not only a video game – it creates your child a world of his own out of virtual reality.

For STEM students, tech enthusiasts, and kids, Minecraft sustains your child’s passion and perspectives in life, building, mining, and constructing an ideal world through sandbox. You let your child discover his potential and recognize his efforts through his creativity.

Isn’t it beautiful to see how your child grows in confidence and competence through tapping into his passion for Minecraft? Isn’t it wonderful how he generates his reality through a virtual simulation?
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Key Takeaways

Indeed, passion is the driving force that makes a child strive harder in accomplishing his studies. Because of his speedy motivation, he creates a pattern of ambition and a map guide towards his potential discoveries.

That’s why tapping into kids’ passion for Minecraft in the classroom helps them enable them to boost their imagination, fuel their creative freedom, and visualize their future.

In a classroom setting, a kid’s passion for learning should not be overlooked for the following reasons:

  1. Passion is a motivation factor. It feeds a child the gut feeling to move and excel in things yet to discover;
  2. Passion converts lessons into real-life applications. It allows them to focus and concentrate on lessons without getting bored; and
  3. Passion discovers their hidden potential for everything concealed under their low-self esteem.

Why tapping kids’ passion for Minecraft in the classroom?

  1. Minecraft makes your kids’ passion for coding programs easier;
  2. Minecraft enhances your kids’ critical-thinking and problem-solving skills; and
  3. Minecraft sustains your child’s passion and perspectives in life.

As a parent or as a teacher, the support is yours. Let your kids follow their desire!


Alejandro is a freelance writer, who collaborates with aspiring authors and editors for the past 3 years. He is passionate about computer languages and technology. He intends to pursue a career in the world of computers.

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