Top 9 Ways For Finding Your Life Purpose

Top 9 Ways for Finding Your Life Purpose

by Amelia Scott — 3 years ago in Future 5 min. read

Believe that you have a life purpose. We all do. It seems obvious that no one on the planet is exactly like you in terms of the combination of nurture and nature.

This means that it is possible to provide a unique value that no one else can. This unique value is your life purpose. It is the gift you can give the world. It is intrinsically linked to who you are.

My professional career began as an estate-planning lawyer. I worked with the very wealthy to help them plan for their deaths and avoid paying too many taxes. Famously, death and taxes are the only certainties in life.

Funny because I believe life and purpose are equally inevitable.

Many believe that death and money are taboo topics that families don’t like to talk about. However, conversations about the meaning of life or the purpose of one’s existence are even more taboo.

Finding one’s purpose in life is the most important thing. It is so important that I gave up my estate planning job years ago to start a business that helps people discover their life purpose and creates a life that fulfills it.

This question has been a constant in my professional and personal life. I’ve spent most of it pondering and trying to answer the following questions: What is life purpose? And, more importantly, how do you find and fulfill your life purpose?

It’s been a long road to get here, but here are the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

1. Your life purpose is greater than any problem or circumstance

Your life purpose must not be based on solving a specific problem or considering circumstances that may never exist. Your purpose and meaning could be lost if you do not fulfill them.

Some people believe that the cure for cancer may be their life purpose. While finding a cure for cancer might be their life purpose and a significant accomplishment in their journey, their true purpose is much greater than that.

Scientists and doctors are the same. Although no one is born to be a scientist or doctor, their life purpose might be fulfilled by that career at least temporarily. It is crucial to understand the difference between your life purpose, and opportunities that will fulfill it. Life circumstances and opportunities can change over time. However, this does not mean that your purpose is no longer relevant.
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2. Your life purpose is not a destination, but a journey

It is impossible to know your life purpose today. Nor will you ever be able to achieve it in your lifetime. It is only after your life is over that we can see the whole picture and be able to say “This was my life.” But if we don’t know our life purpose in advance, how can we live to fulfill it?

How can we plan our lives to make the best decisions that will help us fulfill our life purpose? We work with what pieces we have, and we follow the clues of life. We all have pieces of the puzzle we can use, and these lessons are part of the remaining lessons.
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3. Your strengths are your strength

We’re not all capable of being everything to everyone. Use the talents and natural abilities you were born with. You can turn your natural talents into skills by learning, exercising, and practicing them. While it is fine to try new things, the chances are that you already have the skills and knowledge to help you fulfill your life purpose.

4. Pursue your passions

We all have passions for certain things, no matter what reason. To live your life purpose you need to be completely involved in the thing you love. You will not be able to do something that makes you unhappy and resentful. My next point is that your purpose should not be something you resent or resist.
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5. Do what makes your heart happy

Your life purpose will bring you joy and fulfillment. You are not living your life purpose if you are unhappy with your life, or feel incomplete. If you ask a group of people what their meaning of life is, most will answer happiness.

Positive Psychology – The study of happiness or well-being — identifies five elements that contribute to happiness: positive feelings and engagement, relationships with others, meaning (or purpose), accomplishments, and meaning (commonly referred to by the acronym “PERMA”) When you live in pursuit of your life purpose, each of these elements can be naturally attained and enhanced.

6. Be available wherever you are needed.

Opportunity can be the most telling clue to your life purpose. Ultimately, a purpose must be fulfilled. You must find a need that you can fulfill. You don’t get to choose where you are most needed.

You can determine where you are most needed by the opportunities that you have in your life. It is important to choose opportunities that are most in line with your passions, talents, and skills.

It is difficult to find opportunities because you often have to create them. You must knock on some doors, sometimes several times, before you see that they are open. However, the door will not open unless someone lets you in. This decision is completely outside of your control.
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7. Concentrate on the things you can control.

One thing I have learned repeatedly throughout my life is that you cannot control everything. You cannot control what happens to your actions, regardless of whether they are based on expected or intended outcomes.

We can only do our best in life. This means cultivating your mind and body to reach your highest potential and acting with the best intentions. Good intentions and continuous self-improvement are key to achieving your purpose.

8. Embrace your creativity.

All of us are capable of creating something original and valuable for the world. These two components, originality and value, are what makes creativity possible. You are unique and valuable by nature.

This means that you walk, talk creatively. It is time to embrace this fact. This is not about being creative, although that is one type of creativity. It is about using your unique perspective to see the world and how it can benefit you. Creativity is easy when you put your efforts into cultivating your talents and get involved in the things you love.
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9. Listen to your muse.

Your purpose in life is not something you can choose. Because it feels so random, the creative process has always intrigued me. It is not your choice to create something, but you are forced to.

The idea may be a melody, painting, or invention, but it feels like it came from somewhere else. It’s like looking into a mirror, and suddenly you see your reflection telling you what to do. This is what I refer to as your muse because it is your source of inspiration.

Get to know your Muse. Try to understand what your muse wants you to hear. Listen when your muse speaks. It is amazing how many times I have needed to pull over the car to record an idea that came to me. These are crucial moments. Pay close attention.

Amelia Scott

Amelia is a content manager of The Next Tech. She also includes the characteristics of her log in a fun way so readers will know what to expect from her work.

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