With the rapid adoption of technology across different sectors, mobile medical technology is finding more relevance in today’s medical landscape. And at the heart of this medical technological transformation are innovative and modern medical billing systems streamlining the medical billing process with mobile portability and accessibility at the center.
Considering thousands of medical billing systems exist, choosing the best billing system for your medical operations is no walk in the park. To help you choose the best medical billing app for your business, we have compiled the top ten features of a robust mobile medical billing app.
Focusing on these features will allow you to identify an efficient, fast, and secure medical billing system that will reduce errors and enhance the productivity of your healthcare business.
While different medical billing companies offer products with different features and capabilities, there are several features that effective medical billing apps must possess. Consider the following features to ensure that you choose a medical billing app with the highest ROI.
Not only do different medical specialties treat different biological systems and medical needs, but the hospital and facility-based physicians benefit from highly specialized software and services designed exclusively for their processes and workflows.
The specialties that benefit the most from mobile medical billing apps are hospitalists, physiatrists (physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists), hospital psychiatrists, hospital cardiologists, inpatient pain management specialists, acute care doctors, and rounding physicians who see 50% or more of their encounters in acute care or step down facilities.
Also read: What Is Spotify Premium Duo? Explained (Pros & Cons)As mentioned above, some specialties require a specialized mobile medical billing app more than others. But while hospitalists and physiatrists see nearly 100% of their encounters outside of the medical office, and family practice and primary practice specialists see the vast majority of their encounters inside traditional medical offices, there are dozens of specialties that fall into the middle ground of hybrid mobile medicine and see between 25% and 75% of their encounters on one side or the other, and require the best of both worlds with a mobile medical billing app for on the go that syncs with modern front desk software for office-based needs.
Transparency in the claim processing billing cycle is arguably as important as achieving the top metrics for without data clarity it is impossible to identify and evaluate opportunities and issues. It is also impossible to properly evaluate the medical billing app and RCM services as there is nothing to compare new potential solutions against.
Unfortunately, most medical billing apps fail in transparency, some on the basis of limited information as a means of simplification, and some as a means of hiding poor performance metrics.
Quality transparency for end-to-end solutions is extremely critical as this not only allows for practical reporting but is the fundamental basis for feedback metrics at various stages of the revenue cycle, enabling stronger business intelligence and better decision-making.
HIPAA secure confidentiality and privacy are necessary in the medical world. Since medical billing deals with sensitive patient information, maintaining the integrity of this information is vital. A smart medical billing app must possess next-level security and the highest levels of medical compliance strength.
An efficient medical billing app, especially when there are multiple integration points and data transfer syncs to account for, is one that employs robust data security systems that not only adhere to but exceed HIPAA rules and regulations. Medical data security compliance involves encryption, role-based access control, and multi-factor authentication. Compliance automation is critical to medical billing since failure to adhere to statutory data protection requirements may lead to hefty fines and lawsuits.
As mentioned briefly in transparency, business intelligence is responsible for tracking and monitoring a business’s financial health. An effective medical billing system should generate accurate and actionable financial reports and insights that help a business to grow.
Using business intelligence reporting systems and billing analytics, users have access to practice reports, financial reports, key performance indicators, and other performance reports crucial for business growth. A good medical billing app should possess the ability to provide ad hoc, standard, and custom high-quality business intelligence reporting systems on both practice and provider levels.
Also read: Best Video Editing Tips for Beginners in 2022Medical billing apps are the most critical in improving processes by streamlining daily workflow management needs, from organization and census syncs to charge capture and medical coding. Successful medical billing systems use advanced algorithms and highly developed software and tech-based systems to optimize sequential and often repetitive workflow management tasks.
Using a system with robust workflow management capabilities enhances productivity, reduces errors, and improves cost efficiency. Effective workflow management features include robust information collection, speedy capture and processing, and digital information management.
The success or failure of a healthcare business hugely depends on its claim processing and management strategies. Claim management involves complex and time-consuming processes prone to errors, especially if done manually or in paper batches.
Using an intelligent medical billing app to automate, streamline and improve your claims management systems generates a nearly instant improvement in revenue between 4-11% that can easily grow into 21-35% with effective claim triaging and prior cycle evaluative solutions.
Effective systems improve claim tracking, data entry, and reconciliation. Successful claim management relies on integrated remittance management, claim scrubbing, electronic claim submission, and fraud detection systems.
Measurement is the key to improvement. But practical measurement requires measuring metrics that actually matter as well as being able to retroactively report on metrics that become valuable down the road. Medical billing systems rely on a host of standard and process reports to run smoothly. From claim reports and patient documentation to financial reports, a medical billing app must have the capacity and technology to access and integrate these reports.
A smart app will ideally boast of a strong reporting technology with the capacity to access, integrate, track and file all reports necessary for medical billing. A good digital reporting system improves overall efficiency and reduces errors in the billing process.
Also read: Get Rich Quick? 30 Best Money Making Apps To Turn Your Spare Time Into CashWhen all of the elements above are functioning at a high level, there is an opportunity for additional value. Essentially you improve all of the parts and then are able to take advantage of a sum that is greater than all of the parts.
This is a combination of reporting, claim processing, information capture and syncing, billing, streamlined workflows, optimized processes, and access to evaluative data along the breadth of the revenue cycle from point of care to payment.
Feedback loops are the end result of the internal metrics the billing software and specialists use to determine their own efficiency, yet are incredibly valuable over time to the providers and practice as they are the core of business intelligence performance evaluations and improvement plans.
The very best medical billing apps are a strong necessity for hospital and facility-based doctors who see 75-100% of their encounters on the move, and a powerful and often overlooked resource for hybrid medical specialties that see between 25-75% of their encounters outside the traditional medical office.
The investment is typically minimal because the pricing difference between general software and specialized software is minimal, and practitioners and facilities that aspire to optimize their time and revenue resources should make an immediate upgrade if they have software more than 2 years old as the technology and workflow improvements are night and day from anything prior to 2020. Strongly consider the top features listed above and make sure your office-based software includes or integrates with the newest and brightest mobile medical billing app to propel your medical practice to the highest levels of success in practical measurable ROI terms.
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