Children's Dental Health Every Parent Should Be Worried About

Children’s Dental Health every Parent should be Worried about

by Anna Banner — 5 years ago in Health 5 min. read

Toothache, tooth decay, darkening and cracks in tooth enamel – all parents dream that their child will not experience such problems with teeth as long as possible.

Currently, the level of dental care for the elimination of these problems is high. There are many dentists in Maroochydore whose specialists help children and adults get rid of the consequences of these problems with the least loss and no pain. But how to prevent their appearance?

Children’s teeth have poorly mineralized enamel, especially after teething. This means that they are vulnerable to microorganisms that cause tooth decay, many times more than adult teeth. Many caries occur at a very young age, affecting baby teeth. The decay of deciduous teeth is usually found in children aged 2-3 years, but in some cases, it can occur in a child younger than 2 years. Most often, caries affects the milk incisors (front teeth) of the upper jaw and the chewing surface of the molars on both jaws. Factors contributing to the development of caries in children are violations of the structure of tooth tissues (malformations) that arose in a child during pregnancy, as well as maternal diseases – rheumatism, hypertension, infectious viral diseases, endocrine diseases, toxicosis, etc.

Particular attention in pediatric dental services is given to prevention methods that prevent caries. One of the main elements of this prevention is the nutrition of the child. Proper nutrition, control of fluorine intake in the body of a future mother with water are the first steps on the way to prevent not only dental diseases but also other diseases.

Proper nutrition – from the first day

Immediately after the baby is born, parents are obliged to do everything possible to ensure that the baby is breastfed. This is important not only because breast milk is the most valuable source of nutrients and protective substances, but also because of the uniqueness of the way the baby gets it. After all, breastfeeding has a significant effect on the growth, development, and formation of the dentition of the child. In breastfed children who have undergone a hemolytic disease or an infectious disease, in the first years of life, tooth tissues are affected much more often.

Hygiene for the baby

Immediately after the appearance of the first tooth in a child, you need to purchase a children’s toothbrush and toothpaste. The paste can be applied to gauze, a silicone fingertip for brushing your teeth or a toothbrush. It is necessary to brush the baby’s teeth with vertical movements, and in the end, wipe them with gauze or a brush moistened with water. In addition to removing plaque from teeth, you also accustom your child to certain manipulations in the oral cavity. Be sure to reduce your child’s intake of sweets, especially caramels and chewing sweets. Exclude them between meals and at bedtime. On the contrary, it is recommended to include more fresh fruits and vegetables, peanut butter and milk in the child’s diet. Dentist Maroochydore considers it undesirable for a child to consume large amounts of juices due to the high sugar content. It is also imperative that you brush your teeth correctly and regularly at least twice a day to thoroughly clean your mouth of food debris.

Another important detail: “caries from a baby bottle or bottle caries” is very common among children. In no case should your baby fall asleep with a bottle in his mouth: the sucrose contained in baby milk and juices is extremely harmful to immature tooth enamel. That is why in such cases it is preferable to give the child boiled water.

Visit the dentist in Maroochydore

The child’s first visit to the dentist should occur no later than the first birthday. If the child does not have dental problems, it is recommended to visit the dentist 2 times a year, and if any, once every 3 months. This is much more correct and more profitable than treating advanced caries and its complications. The doctor will carefully examine the teeth and the oral cavity, remove dental deposits and plaque, give recommendations on caring for the oral cavity, help you choose toothpaste and brush, and if necessary, heal small carious lesions without waiting for complications.

A feature of childhood is the too rapid development of pathological processes. Early diagnosis will allow you to perform the simple, quick, painless and inexpensive treatment. Effective dental services will be able to identify systemic disorders and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes, medicines. Some dentists in Maroochydore use special fluoridating compounds for teeth, effectively preventing the progression of caries. Preventive examinations and professional tooth brushing will not cause a child to feel fear, but, on the contrary, will lead to an increase in dental health culture.

From dairy to permanent

In a later period, the decay of deciduous teeth can form due to excessive consumption of carbohydrates, poor oral hygiene, insufficient intake of minerals and trace elements, in particular, fluorine. To strengthen the enamel, deep fluoridation of the teeth is carried out. Its essence is the application of unique fluorine-containing preparations on tooth enamel. This procedure is ten times more effective than varnish, after its implementation for the next six months, the child does not face caries.

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How to distinguish caries

Caries deciduous teeth by dental tissue lesion depth divided by the initial, superficial, middle and deep. At initial caries, white spots closer to the matte, spots of various shapes and sizes appear on the enamel of the child’s tooth, and their number may increase. Interestingly, the pain at the same time is missing, so the child does not complain, and the parents do not take him for dental services. If treatment is not carried out, the process will worsen: spots become dark, brown, black, the disease can turn into a chronic form. With timely treatment, the further development of initial caries can be stopped.

Superficial caries is a defect in tooth tissue within the enamel. The carious cavity may be light or dark. At this stage of the lesion, the pain appears when exposed to a sweet, sour. A method of treating this form of caries is cavity filling.

The next stage is medium caries. With average caries affected tooth enamel and a part of the underlying fabric – dentine. Pain can occur from sweet, salty, cold and hot. At this stage, the treatment involves a deeper treatment of the carious cavity with a subsequent filling.

In the case of deep caries, enamel and most dentin are affected. The method of treatment here depends on the condition of the pulp, it can be either filling or nerve treatment (if the situation is running).

Parents should maintain a positive attitude towards hygiene. Imitating their parents, the child must brush his teeth himself, and only then the parents must clean them, carefully removing plaque from all surfaces, including the most inaccessible ones. It is more convenient to do this while standing behind the child in front of the mirror, while the movements made should be similar to the tooth brushing process, which greatly facilitates the task. You can also use another option when an adult sits down and puts his child’s head on his knees: an overview of the oral cavity, in this case, is much better. You can often hear an objection that the child does not allow to brush his teeth. Do not force it: if you organize the cleaning process in a playful way with bright brushes, delicious pastes and the use of rubber toys, you can be sure that your baby will brush his teeth with pleasure.

Anna Banner

Hi, I am Anna banner from Dental Envy, I am a senior content writer overhear. I have been writing content about dental health and other dental services for the past three years.

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