How To Clear Your Instagram Search History

How to clear your Instagram search history

by Amelia Scott — 5 years ago in Security 3 min. read

I think I speak for people with a large number of Instagram accounts when I say that some feelings are worse when someone unexpectedly looks at your search history.

My stomach gets upset and my brain starts racing as I tried to remember the last few people while searching the app.

Whether it’s someone leaning over your shoulder to see that you’re looking at an Instagram account that the two of you were just talking about, or they’re quickly searching for a profile to borrow your phone Thee – The first few Instagram handles that appear in search bars are almost always embarrassing.

Although I do not have an answer as to why we are (probably) this way, I do have an answer for how you can hide that you are like this. All you have to do is destroy the evidence.

Here’s how to clear your Instagram Search History in a few simple steps on both the app and desktop:

1. Tap the Instagram account

Instagram profile

The very first step would be to click in your profile. Then, tap the three clustered lines at the right-hand of your Instagram account.

2. Access your Settings

Account set

After the pop-up menu appears, tap Settings. After that, tap and find the Security tab.

3. Clear your Instagram search history

Clear search history

Ah, the measure you have been awaiting.

As soon as you’re at the Security department, tap “Clear Search History” all the way in the base.

This provides you to all your recent hunts, at which stage you’ll be able to tap “Clear All” from the corner.

It is essential to be aware that clearing your complete search history may appear somewhat suspicious.

Luckily, you have the choice to delete certain pieces of your surfing history, aka the many embarrassing hunts, separately (your ex, your ex’s new spouse, your ex’s spouse’s best friends, etc.. ) by tapping on the”x” next to their handles rather than

Search and cancel

You may also do this simply by entering the research tool on the program to avoid having to experience the above measures.

However, depending how long your search document is, tapping the”Clear All” button may be faster. Especially when you just have a few moments before somebody might observe the signs of your mortifying hunt history.

4. Don’t forget to clear your Insta web browser

Obviously, your search history differs if you are using Instagram onto an internet browser.

To delete it to the desktop variant , go to Settings and then click in your own profile photograph in the top right-hand corner.

Then, tap the Settings icon along with the”Security and Privacy” tab. Scroll down and click on Account info and then”View Account Data.”

Under the”Account Activity” tab, then you will see”Search History” along with also the choice to”View All.” After that, click on”Clear Search History” and”Yes, I’m Sure” to delete the listing of Instagram handles. (You may also simply need to delete your browser history while you’re at it)

While all these measures may seem confusing at first, I guarantee you (from experience) you will have them down and memorized faster than a friend or relative can declare: “Hey, I am gonna utilize your telephone to look up someone on Instagram.”

Breathe a sigh of relief. They won’t find something.

Amelia Scott

Amelia is a content manager of The Next Tech. She also includes the characteristics of her log in a fun way so readers will know what to expect from her work.

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