Industry Archives - The Next Tech


3 Possible Ways Of Green Energy Industry Evolution
By: Micah James, Wed April 26, 2023

Today, the green energy industry evolution is the most popular alternative to existing energy systems. It has several advantages and..


5 Reasons Why Solar And Renewable Energy Industry ...
By: Mohd Sohel Ather, Tue April 4, 2023

As the petition for a greener future keeps growing, companies are also making changes in whatever capacity they can. Most..


5 Applications of IoT in Agriculture: How It Trans...
By: Alan Jackson, Mon March 13, 2023

No matter how advanced our technologies become, humanity cannot survive without agriculture. We still rely on land cultivation and raising..

News/Business Ideas

How Technology Impacts The Asset & Investment...
By: Alan Jackson, Wed February 22, 2023

Investment firms are increasingly turning to technology to respond to changing market demands and fintech regulations. By leveraging the latest..

News/Blockchain Technology

How Blockchain Is Changing The Way We Play and Mon...
By: Sinwan Zahid, Mon January 30, 2023

Blockchain technology is a relatively new concept that has the potential to revolutionize the way we play and monetize games...


Cyber Security Incident Response: Industry Best Pr...
By: Alan Jackson, Tue November 29, 2022

In today’s data-driven world, a data breach can easily affect billions of people at once. As global digital transformation continues,..


Why is Fintech Crashing?
By: Alan Jackson, Thu November 24, 2022

Fintech has been on the rise in the past few years, with businesses and investors seeing particular success in 2020..


Anti-Fraud Solutions to Help The iGaming Industry
By: Alex Noah, Mon October 3, 2022

With the rise of the iGaming industry, not only do we see improvements in tech and the increase of players..

News/Business Ideas

How Digital Marketplaces Are Disrupting Industries
By: Micah James, Tue August 9, 2022

Digital marketplaces emerged in much the same way brick-and-mortar marketplaces do. They cropped up organically, transposing the age-old concept of..

News/Business Ideas

What are The Digital Solutions For The Constructio...
By: Evelyn Addison, Sun June 5, 2022

Fleet management refers to the administration of managing and supervising a fleet and the associated asset information. This includes everything..


Technology’s Impact On The Healthcare Indust...
By: Evelyn Addison, Sat June 4, 2022

The healthcare industry has seen a dramatic transformation thanks to the rapid advancement of technology in the past century. Instead..

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