Keep your credit card balances lowHigh credit card balances can signal to lenders that you're overextended and may not be able to make payments on time.
Don't close old credit accountsLength of credit history is an important factor in determining your credit score.
Limit new credit applicationsEach time you apply for credit, it shows up on your credit report, which can have a negative impact on your score.
Use a mix of credit typesHaving a mix of different types of credit, such as a mortgage, car loan, and credit card, can be beneficial for your credit score.
Be mindful of your credit utilizationThe amount of credit you use compared to your credit limit is known as your credit utilization, which can have a big impact on your score.
Monitor your credit reportReview your credit report regularly to make sure that it's accurate and to spot any potential errors.
Don't co-sign for someone else's loanCo-signing for someone else's loan can put your credit at risk if they don't make payments on time.